(Under Construction)

Prayer Resolution

We help and train people with the tools of Prayer Resolution.  The emphasis is helping people get rid of the effects of the past. Prayer Resolution incorporates many of the insights and methods of both secular and Christian counseling but there are perspectives that, when taken as a whole, set it apart from all other methods of prayer counseling.

Trauma Consulting

We have worked in West Africa, Europe and the United States helping people get over the experiences that traumatized them.

Language & Culture Learning

We ran a 3-5 month entry program to help arrivals in a new country get directed supervision.  This involved language learning, language acquisition and tools for understanding a culture – there were no classes on the actual culture but rather we used the new culture as the lab for applying culture learning tools.  Previous courses have been held in Kenya and Morocco by us (Smiths) and in Senegal and Central Asia by a Latin organization.

Strategy Consulting

We have worked with organizations in Europe, the Middle East, East Africa and North Africa.

Our Board



Retired nurse, educator/instructor with the Veterans Administration. Spent time in Africa.


Medical doctor with a practice in Minnesota. Spent time Guatemala and fluent in Spanish.


Retired CPA Colorado. Financial Executive with several national banks and other Public companies.



Linguist and educator with experience in Colombia, Ethiopia, Sudan and North Africa. Co-founder of Cross Resources and the Prayer Resolution concept.


Administrator, Linguist, spent time in Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Thailand.

Richard - emeritus

Creator of Prayer Resolution; linguist and educator with experience in Colombia, Ethiopia, Sudan and North Africa.